Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Tea party USA Sept 12, 2009 Los Angeles CA, and Washington DC


Dear friends,

Tea Party USA Sept. 12, 2009 !

Let your voice be heard and presence
be seen against the :
1) Corrupt tax- aholic,
2) Business destroyer,
3) Job killing, health care destruction
Socialist Obamacare bill HR 3200.
( This IS NOT 'Health Care Reform ' ! )

Save the elderly and yourselves from the
the headless, out of control Democrat dinosaurs
in Congress; the creators of the ruinous Obamacare
who need to be put out to pasture by your protest
and vote !

Let the ' Obama Corrupt Political Chicago Machine Gone
Washington Politburo' know that America will not buy their scam !
Help expose them and Obamacare by effective Tea Party.

Please support our friend Jim Cover's group
along with our fellow Americans across the U.S.A
for the National, Washington D.C., OC San Juan Capistrano,
and the 10, 000 + others at the Long Beach Tea Party
Sept. 12, 2009

Let's start early, making our signs and banners now.

Letter From :
The OC 912 Tea party group

Hi David

I would like to get your group’s help and participation in the
September 12 11:00 am Rally (at least those that are not going
to Washington D.C.). We are going to target 2,000+ people for
the San Juan ( Capistrano ) Rally/Tea Party. Most will then caravan
to Long Beach where we will be joining other OC and LA Tea Party
groups for a massive Rally (10,000+) in the afternoon.

Let me know!
